🎨 艺术⚓︎
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About Me, Art and a chaos of Mind.
- 印象派艺术与美好年代
- 艺术就应该这样“百花齐放”。
- 拉斐尔前派的追随者
- 一种徒劳无用的反抗,似乎在同时服用甲基苯丙胺2与苯巴比妥3。
- 浪漫主义的信徒、审美的无政府主义者
- 有人说他们相信爱,有人说他们相信信仰。
- 前 · 素描爱好者
- 一个曾经画风很细腻温柔的人。现在最骚动的倾向是追随各种各样的颜色与光线。
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语出宋代黄庭坚《鹧鸪天·座中有眉山隐客史应之和前韵即席答之》 ↩
Methamphetamine, is a potent central nervous system (CNS) stimulant that is mainly used as a recreational drug, such as an aphrodisiac and euphoriant. ↩
Phenobarbital, is a medication of the barbiturate type. Mainly used to treat trouble sleeping, anxiety, and drug withdrawal.(They were long used as anxiolytics and hypnotics.) ↩