Cultural Criticism⚓︎
约 195 个字 预计阅读时间 1 分钟
- Activity
The application of many concepts and theories in varying combinations and permutations
- multi-disciplinary
Three strands of cultural Criticism
- critique gesture(Frankfurt)
- a champion of popular culture(Birmingham school)
an ethnographic and sociological approach(USA cultural studies and identity politics)
- Theodor Adorno, Horkheimer, Marcuse, Fromm, Haberrmas
- 1930s~
Main arguments:
- critical / negative to mass culture (instead of popular culture)
- mass culture(用mass来指代的时候是带有贬义的) takes over labor as a means of oppressions
- consumption
- transform individuals into a homogenous mass audience
- the work of art in the age of mechanical reproduction
- reproducibility of arts
- woodcut / engraving / lithography/ photography / sound film
- 艺术品的不可复制性
- 艺术品是怎么被政治化的politicized
- aura 光晕
- authenticity of things/ everything is transmissible /
- in the absence of traditional ritualistic value; art would be based on the practice of politics
- Ardono:
- 先锋派 vs 媚俗 (Kitsch)
Clement Greenberg:?
- 亚文化
- FLagship journal: working papers in cultural studies
- semiotics 符号学?
- Richard Hall
- Hoggart:popular culture
- Raymond Williams