约 515 个字 预计阅读时间 2 分钟
structuralism: 索绪尔
How god can create miracles?
- The power of ?
- Deconstructive approach:
- It's everywhere!
It's very influential
linguistic signs:
- where does structuralism come from?
what is structuralism about?
What structuralist critics do?
- a network of intertextual connection
- the convention of a particular literary genre
- a projected model of an underlying universal narrative structure
a notion of narrative as a complex of recurrent patterns or motifs.
cultural trans~?
The limitations of Language:
Language is used to construct. Not EVERYTHING. - Unable to think, no accurate expression. - The Tao that can be told is not the usual Tao. - No icon.(The rise of Deconstruction)
- god is questioned.
- Derrida的西方哲学的分类: speech / writing (《红字》:public interrigate: 霍桑的小说)/ presence / absence(在一些场合他无法说,但回到私处就可以写成东西)
- Privilieging of speech and presence is called logocentrism(逻辑中心主义)
"Justified true belief": How do we know what we know? Do we know what we know is true?⚓︎
- 西哲的两个重点问题
- What is it meant?
Judeo-Christian + Greek-Roman tradition⚓︎
- : 西方的两个传统
- the history of western phi is the history of searching the source of ...
- deconstruct it to texts: (culture / politics / history ... )
- One can understand the rile of female through lens of feminist philosophy
- No actual referent or object that a word represents ,The meaning always depends on others' interpretations / signifiers.
- signify the signifier: 椅子 = Chair,(The thing you sit on) ; 两者是相互的。
- connection is loosey and poetic:
- difference : " to differ " / " to defer ": 含义无法被精准地追溯、了解
- There can be no Truth in language: u can never get to the definitive meaning , the fixed , stable meaning unitary meaning. 无法确切地得知一个词语的含义
Def. A philosophied movement and theory of literary criticism that⚓︎
- questions traditional assumptions about certainty, identity and truth.
- asserts that words can only refer to other words.
- attempts to demonstrate how statements about any text subverts their own meanings.
Core: Pulling apart: breaking!⚓︎
- a tendency to subvert or pull apart and examine existing conventions having to do with meaning and individualism
highly subjective nature of demonstration, different authors have different understaning, the application of the theory in criticism and art vary greatly!
- interrogate the assumptions of western thought by reversing of displacing the hierarchical "binary opposition" that provides its foundations.
How is meaning produced?⚓︎
- speech has to articulate to make any sense whatever
- 构建、建构:用语言建构起来的,有一定逻辑和思想的。
- pervasive
- constructs prouce meaning only through the interplay of differences within a system of distinct signs
- summarize / conclude
- emerges from saussure
Tasks of deconstruction⚓︎
- overturn the hierarchy at a given moment.
- final
- 审美角度的高度笑死!哈哈哈哈这个世界