
Gender and Sexuality⚓︎

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  • performance and performativity:什么区别:表演和表演性?
  • (Judith Butler)在20世纪90年代发展了表演性的概念,以描述性别是如何构建的。巴特勒认为,性别是一个持续的和社会建构的过程,它通过一系列连续的表演行为进行,例如,从“这是一个男孩!“一个人的一生。因此,表演性是主体形成的过程,它创造了它所要描述的东西,并通过语言手段以及其他社会实践发生。
  • body become a signifying system within social formations
  • Influenced by Michel Foucault's theories of sexuality.
  • social constructionism
  • History of Sexuality:Foucault真是大恶人,什么事情都可以溯源到他这里
  • "A regulated and polymorphous incitement to discourse"
  • Althusser: 阿尔都塞
  • Judith Butler:朱迪斯·巴特勒

  • Queer theory:Teresa de Lauretis

  • Levi-Strauss: analysis of kinship: women as gifts, exchanges between men.
  • Lesbian Feminism is not concerned with hating men but rather with celebrating the life choices of women who love women.

Textbook conclusion⚓︎

Main Representative People and Works:⚓︎

- Simone de Beauvoir - The Second Sex (1949)
- Judith Butler - Gender Trouble (1990), Bodies That Matter (1993)
- Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick - Between Men (1985), Epistemology of the Closet (1990)
- Michel Foucault - The History of Sexuality (1976-1984)
- Monique Wittig - The Straight Mind (1992)

Brief History and Current Conditions:⚓︎

- Emerged from feminist theory and LGBTQ movements in the 20th century
- Challenged biological essentialism and the naturalization of gender/sexuality
- Currently an influential perspective in humanities and cultural studies
- Faces criticism from some feminist/queer thinkers for being too theoretical

Main Ideas and Influence:⚓︎

- Gender and sexuality are socially constructed categories, not natural/essential
- Heteronormativity is critically analyzed as an institutionalized discourse
- Proposes new ways of thinking identity, embodiment, desire beyond binaries  
- Influenced theories of performativity, queer theory, intersectional analysis
- Impacted cultural understandings and representations of gender/sexuality

Modern Comments and Reception:⚓︎

- Praised for deconstructing oppressive norms and binaries
- Criticized by some as detached from lived realities and political struggles  
- Debated for the scope and limits of the "social construction" argument
- Raised questions about the materiality of bodies and biological factors
- Opened up new areas of inquiry across multiple disciplines