
Class Two New criticism⚓︎

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  • diction: use of words and phrases.
  • violation of realism (Shklovsky)

  • Jakobson:

    • place poetic at the center of his inquiry;
  • 她们的声音都很光滑,让瞎子想到自己捧起碗时候的感觉;

  • 思绪借助身体的行走...

通感~修辞手法 The abandoned capital:废都

  • Difference btwen philosophical Formalism:

    • form is part of contents. SO the change of form also push the revolution of contents.
  • Romanticism period: Expression.

  • Modern period:

    • psycho analysis
    • emotional analysis
  • focus on the text instead of the author(creator, inner experience).

    • moral education?
    • pergen?
    • catharsis(?, 情感宣泄?)
    • ethetic appreciation.
  • focus on the reader as a role of literary studies is brought to the front.


The New Criticism is an Anglo-American variety of Formalism that emerged in the early decades of the twentieth century and dominated teaching and scholarship until the early 1960s. It is less a coherent literary theory than a congeries of critical and theoretical approaches all of which agree that the literary work is AUTONOMOUS, that its unity and meaning are constituted primarily by formal and rhetorical features, and that it is free from any burden of reflection on the social world in which it is produced or from any connection to the author who produces it.

  • objective correlative(powerful ways of ), a not direct descrption;

Evolutionary Stages 1. 1920s early conceptualization 2. 1930s40s spread, more vigor 九叶派诗人 nine 3. 1950s lost(accepted by later writers.) 4. after 1950s, institutionalized and naturalized


  1. eliminate extrinstic(external / outside, like religion, history and things.) concerns.
  2. explore the structure of a work:
    1. assemble rather than cutting them.
  3. organic, system
  4. closely reading. very very close, details very matter, scrutinizing.. Scrutiny
  5. distinguish literature from religion and morality

  6. linguistic features

  7. fictions: use of words

Ideological position⚓︎

- which is classical? what is the standard? what is the value?
- politically conservative, Turn to tradition(Aristotles / Plato / Roman classics)
  • Culture diversity: The Islamic contribution: Not western dominant. Islam makes it more connected with the other world.
  • Use formalist protocals.
  • genetic and receptionist approaches denied.(be careful, intentional fallacies, 过于强调作者,是在吧自己的意图强加给作者,用来批评传统的把批评家自己的观念强加给作者并复制给文本; affective fallacies 强调文本对读者的影响)
  • theological notion of metaphor,过于强调“一种相同的认识”,无法解释长篇巨著。
  • posit the ideal reader: 读者

strategies of NC⚓︎

  • attention on the work
  • not allergic t talking about the responses of readers or the intentions of authors.
  • close reading of literary work revealing its complexity, for they maintain that great literature contains oppositions ambiguities ironies.(to locate these issues, to put together these ? to formulate the idea(meaning)of text)

  • Foreign studies: improvement. not a swallow academic 教训本身就是知识。

3 step procedure⚓︎

  • read closely: identify oppositions.
  • read closely: assume that everything in the work is carefully calculated to contribute to the work's unity
    • all factories are lack of heads.( 转译 ) figures of speeches.


  • work out the problem, reread.

  • poor life:

    • live in a confined world/ not much vitality
    • pooor life

cleanth brooks articles of faith⚓︎

  • (literary criticism) a description and an evalution of its object
  • primary concern of criticism is with the problem of unity
  • form is meaning.
  • literature is ultimatrly metaphoric and symbolic
  • moral problems are the subject matter of literature but the purpose of literature is not to point a moral.

  • 感受的迷雾不能影响我们的批评。

Methods of NC⚓︎

  • incorporate within the work the impersonal feelings and emotions common to mankind
  • intentional fallacy
  • 意图迷雾和感受迷雾
  • careful read / exact **scrutiny **
  • theory to be applied

    • rhyme, meter, setting, characterization and plot were used to identify the plot
    • NC looked fror paradox, ambiguity irony
    • literature is words on a PAGE.
    • How words on page create meaning? without anything referce to outside. "INTRINSIC"
  • Motionless in time

  • night entangled tress.
  • The moon is just there. Like moon like is following behind
    • a poem should equal to not true.
    • 以完整的形式呈现给读者,而不是告诉读者有什么意义;
    • A poem should not mean, but be;

How to understand the Text?⚓︎

major criticism⚓︎

  • radical formalist stance is too rigid
  • objectivist stance is false
  • ideological position is hidden
  • some humanist assumptions are unarticulated.
  • readings often come to the same conclusion.

  • From literature as an aesthetic object to literature as a social (historical) practice

  • Lit. crit.- no longer neutral, or "disinterested," it is conditioned, or programmed; depends on our past experience, our framework.
  • Functions of lit. theory --
  • It can make us become a self-conscious critic; know more about literature, look at it from different perspectives, understand and historicize our own perspective, as well as others' perspectives.
  • Theory becomes an independent school of study.
  • To articulate this framework and piece together the various elements of our practical criticism into a coherent, unified body of knowledge is to formulate our literary theory.

  • 他们本身就是最大的 意识形态堡垒,虽然他们否定自己没有意识形态,但他们的观点充斥着主观,他们选择的经典充斥着一些选择、歧视;有自己的for 和against。

  • The world itself is so complicated that I can't figure it out!