
约 535 个字 预计阅读时间 2 分钟

  • “陌生化”是由什克洛夫斯基代表的俄国形式主义提出的核心概念。所谓陌生化,就是指将对象从其正常的感觉领域移出,通过施展创造性手段,重新构造对对象的感觉,从而扩大认知的难度和广度,不断给读者以新鲜感的创作方式。附上若干文本中“陌生化”手法的运用例字,供大家参考(见课件阅读材料)。请照此展开阅读,从各自阅读文本中找出10个例子,并做简要说明。中英文均可。提交时间为3月18日晚上11:00,过期系统关闭。每次作业请务必按时提交。谢谢!

  • Understanding New Criticism: Ambiguity • It occurs when a word, image, or event generates two or more different meaning. Example: “Thanks for dinner. I’ve never seen potatoes cooked like that before.” (Jonah Baldwin in the film Sleepless in Seattle, 1993) Paradox • It typically arise from false assumptions, which then lead to inconsistencies between observed and expected behavior. Example: “Someday you will be old enough to start reading fairy tales again.” (C.S. Lewis to his godchild, Lucy Barfield, to whom he dedicated The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe) Irony • a figure of speech in which words are used in such a way that their intended meaning is different from the actual meaning of the words. Example: “Once in the winter the rector would come to dine, and her husband would beg her to go over the list and see that no divorcees were included, except those who had showed signs of penitence by being remarried to very wealthy” (Edith Wharton’s House of Mirth (1905)

“The ideology of New Criticism began to crystallize: scientific rationalism was ravaging the “aesthetic life” of the old South, human experience was being stripped of its sensuous particularity, and poetry was a possible solution. The poetic response, unlike the scientific, respected the sensuous integrity of its object: it was not a matter of rational cognition but an affective affair which linked us to the “world’s body” in an essentially religious bond. Through art, an alienated world could be restored to us in all its rich variousness. Poetry, as an essentially contemplative mode, would spur us not to change the world but to reverence it for what it was, teach us to approach it with a disinterested humility.” --- Terry Eagleton, Literary Theory, An Introduction, p 40.

Question: Explain and illustrate two of the following five literary terminologies endemic to New Criticism: irony, tension, ambiguity, the intentional fallacy and the affective fallacy. Your answer should be around 200 words.

  • Discuss the following:
  • What do you think of the relationship between art and life?
  • How do you usually appreciate a painting or a literary work?
