
Humanist ideas⚓︎

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Ancient Greece⚓︎

  • Aristotles

    • Poems( a copy of the outside world ) / philosophy / Literature
    • Ideal and form : Extremely Abstract; Perfect / Immitation of the world
  • Plato 柏拉图 : No good to write a poem; "Drive away all the poets"

  • Until 18C;

Renaissance && religion reformation 文艺复兴和宗教改革⚓︎

  • The value of human
  • Turning Point?

Enlightment 启蒙运动⚓︎

  • 笛卡尔 I think therefore I come.

    • Literature: More than a copy of Immitation, but expression;
    • Subjectivity, a big shift;
    • romantic period
    • Literature: a creation;
  • Human centered

  • Humanism: inclusive; developed, AMBIGUOUS

  • Formalism

  • start from russia. 20th, Legacies.

Literature is a mural or wall painting.

Make Literature literary

Russian formalism⚓︎


Benedetto Croce? Shklovsky?: semiotics ? 符号学批评? Roman Jakobson?: 巴赫金~Bakhtin / Lotman:dialogism / 复调 / 1914 —— 1930 / 狂欢? Eichenbaum?

The philosophy of humanism Corliss Lamont

  • Literature liberation: get rid of socielogy /
  • Literature is formed by certain elements, you can add them one by one and exam then closely. Like doing scientific research in labs.

values of human beings Solve their own problem / Rely on our own personalities; Born naive; Possess freedom of creative choice and action The shadow of the past is destructive: We should'nt live in the past ethics of morality that grounds all human beings in earthly experience and relationships Individuals attain good life. wide development of art and awareness of beauty [ Human Faculty ] social implementation of reason and scientific method A developing philosophy...

Economic and philosophy Manusripts of 1844

  • Linguistic features between Chinese and western~
  • Research topics: Will give us topics. Watch announcements!!! pedagodgy square

  • 1914 —— 1930

  • New crticism: USA

  • Formalism: no united doctrine / a diverse movement, no consensus,
  • Two cradles: St. Peterburg and Moscow;
  • Analyze literature in scientific way ? A scientific method; Function of literary strategies

  • tradition (sth that is outside of literature itself)

  • 2 general principles.

    • literature itself distinguish itself from other human activities
    • literary facts have to be priorities over metaphysics commitment of literary criticism;
  • Development phases

    • machine phases
    • organic phases
    • system phases?
  • Tomanshevsky & Shklovsky

    • prowess craft skill
    • constructed:
  • I eat the XX , I keep the grain every morning ; unfamiliar ? defamiliarization:make strange:超出常规的做法;吸引眼球;语言的创新

  • 贯穿了20c的文学

Art as technique

  • 移就格?What a sad afternoon transferred epithet
  • Exposed !

  • Laying bare

  • organic: self governed: present itself
  • systematic Formalism; analogy between language and literature;
  • make literature literature / make a stone stony.

两种呈现的方式: - "Motivation": tomanshevsky - "Dominant"(most important): Jakobson - 怎么陌生化

文学的表征: - formalism as political offense / realism? - literature has its own element! / organic perspective: - artifulness

内容和形式是相互影响: - not like philosophy - 文学架构的改变 - 强调语言的细节、语言的运作、devices! - 重视文本的细节: - narriaters \(\neq\) writers - biographical? 在作者和作者笔下的人之间划上等号; - 文学批评的视角放到读者、影像;谁来让文本更彰显其意义?给读者更大的自由 - discourse: 福柯;不

- 狂欢化:⚓︎